Wilderness Voyageurs

We came for the 3-day PA/MD biking trip and thoroughly enjoyed it! Your bike tour guides, Bekah and Montana, looked after us extremely well. We were lucky with the weather as well, arriving right after heavy rain had ended, but which produced fantastic views of the river...

Our recent bike touring trip on the Great Allegheny Passage was an exciting, rewarding, and enjoyable experience. Accommodations and meals were excellent, our bike tour guides were friendly and helpful, and the great allegheny passage bike trail was interesting and stunningly beautiful. Four days of perfect...

You're on a long ride, cranking up a hill. Heart pumping, legs strong, totally in the zone. Except for those creaks and squeaks coming from your bike. Those bike noises are more than annoying - they're your bike crying for help! Here's how to diagnose...

Where to See 2017 Ohiopyle Fireworks, Plus July 4th Holiday Rafting Deals   [We've update this popular blog post for 2017 information and Ohiopyle rafting deals.] The quaint borough of Ohiopyle doesn't hold its own fireworks display in town - but as with every year - there are...

If you are planning a Finger Lakes bike tour, you've probably heard about their wine! Comprised of over 9,000 square miles of forests, farms and over 130 wineries and vineyards, the Finger Lake region is New York's premier wine region, but it offers so much more!   Hiking Biking...

If you're looking for a truly memorable bike touring experience, look no further than the expansive and historic 335 Mile Non-Motorized route between Pittsburgh and Washington D.C! These 330+ miles of dedicated bike trail are actually two connected bike trails - the Great Allegheny Passage (or...

We're finalizing our brewery list for Beer & Gear 2017, and this year's lineup is looking better than ever! Joining us for the annual celebration of bluegrass, boating gear and local beer is Pittsburgh's Grist House Craft Brewery....

Looking for a #SummerFriday option for your office mates? Look no further than Ohiopyle. Just over an hour south of the Point, you can sleep in, meet the gang for a leisurely latte, then had out to Ohiopyle and catch a Lower Yough rafting trip...

Cuba! Why does just the sound of that make people so excited? Kept secret for years, Cuba has finally been unveiled, and now it's time to plan your bike tour!   Alluring and Unknown Cuba is exciting before you go, and I’m here to tell you it’s even...