Outdoor Gear

Today, I was fortunate enough to test a Cannondale Quick 2, which we just added to our bike tour rental fleet. The Quick series was designed for the rider looking to: recreate, commute in an urban setting, stay fit, pedal instead of drive to their...

This post is a continuation of this post about taking Crossover Kayaks on the Cheat Canyon. So, the Remix XP. Right. Well, the thing is, this boat is a tub. I should mention I loaded my meager 160 lbs into the XP 10, whereas I probably...

Perhaps you are aware of a new paradigm in kayak design: the Crossover Kayak. Bridging the gap between rec boat and whitewater boat, these kayaks allow you to own one boat to do it all. Recently I had the opportunity to try a couple of...

Bike tour season is here! Summer is almost here and that means getting ready for Bike Tours! Garrett Street is hopping with activity today as the wonderful weather allows guides, guests, and managers to get outside and gear up. For our Bike Tour Manager, Bill Hall, Christmas...

What a beautiful weekend!! The weather was perfect for a couple days of rafting on the Lower Yough and Cheat Rivers. With temperatures in the upper 60's / low 70's and the sun shining, the river was a great way to enjoy the early spring...

To catch a break from the snow, two WV staff members went to Hawaii to check out some sun, sand, and surf. Yes, we were there during the tsunami scare, and no, it wasn't a big deal. Good thing too, because many of the buildings...

IS OPEN!!! We are here for you and the extra play days suddenly in your schedule. Ohiopyle is one snowy delight. Thanks to Ohiopyle State Park for keeping the bike trail tracked for cross country skiing. I've heard a lot of people complaining for the last...

I wrote that title and realized it wasn't what i was going for, but hey, it's funny. Really, I'm talking about hype, and - more importantly - deserved hype. All the noise  coming out of the pro-boater community is that the Molan is the next big...