Biking Vacations

Meet the Easy Riders! These lucky people are on the trail as we sit at our computers - they're riding, we're dreaming about riding. They headed out this morning - it was a little grey and a little overcast, but just the right temperature to ride the Great...

Welcome back to our 12 riders recently returned from the Wilderness Voyageurs Katy Trail Bike Tour! Starting in Clinton, MO, riders cycled east for six days on an inn-to-inn style bike tour. With beautiful scenery, delicious meals and fun excursions out of the saddle, our...

A biking vacation through battlefields and countryside Welcome back to the 21st century to the 12 riders recently returned from our Gettysburg and Civil War Bike Tour! Starting in Gettysburg, PA, the group cycled back through time, also passing through Antietam and Harpers Ferry, visiting the historic...

Ohiopyle Bike Trail Bridge Well it is a bit of a misnomer..  There really is not an Ohiopyle Bike Trail.  That is the local name for the Great Allegheny Passage.   The Great Allegheny Passage or the GAP as it is know by cycling enthusiasts stretches from...

Cypress trees & spanish moss, abundant wildlife & birds, historic inns of the Golden Isles, wonderful seafood: that's the new Georgia Gold Coast Bike Tour! Experience history, wildlife and the Atlantic Ocean from your bike! Welcome back to the eleven riders and two guides recently back...

Georgia bike tour development is looking to be a good gig! Savannah has greeted us with clear blue, sunny skies, bike tour perfect!  After a lengthy road trip I was eager to ditch my car and substitute the four wheels for my preferred two wheels!  We are...

Posted by Montana "You know it's supposed to thunderstorm all day," says Colleen. "I think I'll be alright. It might miss me," I say. "Ok, I just don't want you to be miserable and come home complaining about it," Colleen says. I futz around, pack the rest of my...

Ride the GAP End to End in 2013!   Wilderness Voyageurs is introducing a new 4 day Inn to Inn journey from Homestead, PA to Cumberland, Maryland.  This trip will cover the Great Allegheny Passage at a relaxed pace and will allow for plenty of...