Bike Tour Trip reviews

I enjoyed a most memorable bike tour adventure with my friends thanks to Wilderness Voyageurs and their talented crew. We were helped through the whole process made more challenging by the current health situation. Every aspect of the 6 day tour was worry free and smooth...

This was our first experience on a biking trip and we loved it. The San Juan Islands are gorgeous! The guides, James and Gary, were very attentive and encouraging. They were extremely careful to wear masks when required and to clean and sanitize as they...

My spouse and I have taken multiple cycling trips with this company over the past several years. The most recent was Michigan Trails and Dunes. As always, we had a great time! The guides take care of all of the details and provide the guests...

All I can say is that the trip was wonderful from the accommodations, the meals, the group and the guides. Terry and Alex were great guides, and they certainly helped make the trip memorable. We were able to do almost the entire trail. There were...

I'm not even sure I can put into words the wonderful time we had while riding the Katy trail last week...

This was my first bike tour and although I could not keep up with the big dogs I biked every mile and enjoyed every minute. Kasia, Landon and Alex had amazing chemistry and made every day filled with fun and unique experiences. The hotels were...

I have previous experience bike touring in the North America, Central and South America, Europe and Asia. Most of this was touring independently, much self supported but I have also used supported tours, and on two occasions tours with guides. I have guided bike tours...

We really enjoyed our entire trip to western Cuba with Wilderness Voyagers. Kasia was a wonderful leader, very attuned to the needs of her clientele. We learned so much through Alex about life in Cuba. He was open to all questions. And Landon kept us...

Enjoyed my cycling trip in Colorado. It was an introduction to riding in Colorado. I was impressed with all the bike paths. Our leaders Montana and Tom gave me the support I needed along with plenty of food. Our accommodations were comfortable after a long,...

Loved every minute of it (Colorful Colorado Tour). The routes we're awesome, just enough of a challenge and the downhill were exhilarating. Rating: Excellent ***** Keith Moss Rochester, NY...