Bike Tour Trip reviews

Just finished riding the Katy Trail and the trip put together by Wilderness Voyageurs was incredible. The accommodations were fantastic and way above expectations. However, what made the trip one of the best experiences ever was the treatment and care provided by our support team,...

This was my first organized, group bicycle tour. The Chesapeake Bay was wonderful and more beautiful than I expected. Our guides, Josh and David, were great. I particularly appreciated the extra effort to make everything come together. Because of COVID, pre-arranged restaurants were closed and...

Our guides, Josh and Colleen, were cordial, competent and super pleasant to be around. Safety was a conspicuous priority, followed by fun and good food. Eating was very efficient and convenient for breakfast and lunch, and the support stops were quite refreshing and well timed....

My cycling experience with Wilderness Voyageurs was outstanding in every regard. The leadership and management of Josh Lawrey and Colleen O'Neil was suburb in their rider support and attention to details. My fellow cyclists on the trip were a joy to be with throughout our...

My husband and I had a great trip on the GAP trail with very impressive guides Colleen and Megan. Good weather helped with comfortable riding conditions, but their positive attitudes and friendly demeanor kept our group moving well. The portions of the trail selected for...

This South Dakota trip was the trip of a lifetime, despite any challenges related to COVID-19. The guides, James and Tom were great. All of the restaurants and lodging were wonderful. The group that I traveled with was the very best. Maybe I could have...

Just got back from a wonderful 4 day ride along the Pine Creek Trail and the Ghost Town Trail in Western Pennsylvania. Great lunches served by our wonderful guides. The lodging could not have been better. Our dinners were nice too. Our guides Gary and...

Dear Eric and Kasia, I was going to write you a letter, a real letter on paper, like nobody does these days. But I'm doing it this way. In summary, the Michigan trip was fantastic! I had no idea about the natural beauty of northern Michigan, and...

I recently completed the Adirondack bike tour with Montana and Colleen! Both guides were incredible!! The tour it self was full of the most beautiful scenery, small towns, hills and much more. Top notch bike assistance as I required a tire change. I can’t wait...

I love bicycle touring to explore personally untraveled areas. Michigan was a state where I never visited. The Michigan Islands Trails and Dunes did not disappoint in capturing the ambiance of the area. Helping to capture that were the informative and indefatigable guides, Josh and...