
Your Journal of Adventures!

Meadow Run is a fantastic creek. It offers really good whitewater kayaking, fly fishing, and hiking. Here is a picture I took with my phone, looking upstream at 7-foot Falls at low water. The sun was at the perfect angle to really get the creek...

Great Allegheny Passage spring sights   Officially the first daffodils seen in Ohiopyle and they are just outside our office! There isn't a better sign of spring. The weather is warming and this weekend's forecast is beautiful. Sunny and upper 50's on Saturday. Absolutely perfect bike riding...

Tomorrow is the first day of spring. And with it, Ohiopyle will be enjoying warmer temps and a beautiful weekend. The forecast calls for upper to mid 60's both days, along with SUNSHINE!! That's right...

The water continues to rise today. The Lower is currently running 13.3 Feet and rising. There is water everywhere! The truck is ready to go, barely done with snowplowing and now ready for sand bagging. The sand bags are hard to see on the...

To catch a break from the snow, two WV staff members went to Hawaii to check out some sun, sand, and surf. Yes, we were there during the tsunami scare, and no, it wasn't a big deal. Good thing too, because many of the buildings...

Nick Yourd, one of Wilderness Voyageurs' whitewater rafting guides, along with some buddies, loving the recent snow storms! Yeah Nick![youtube=]...

While everyone is enjoying the fabulous snow in the east, we're hoping for a little more out west. Wilderness Voyageurs west is located in Redstone, Colorado where Eric & Kasia relocate their offices to for a few weeks during the winter. We've been obsessed by...