
Your Journal of Adventures!

Enjoyed my cycling trip in Colorado. It was an introduction to riding in Colorado. I was impressed with all the bike paths. Our leaders Montana and Tom gave me the support I needed along with plenty of food. Our accommodations were comfortable after a long,...

Just counted - I've been on 21 supported bike rides using 9 different outfitters over 13 years and this was one of the best. Definitely geared toward a beginning cyclist/group rider but that's what made it so comfortable and easy. The trails were smooth with...

Everything about this tour was so great that I don't know where to start but I'll make it easy and start with our two guides, Chris Reed and Dave Cutcliff. They were knowledgeable, kind, friendly, smart, helpful, humorous, and prepared delicious lunches. Even though we...

My son and I spent 6 days riding through the Shenandoah valley from Virginia through West Virginia, Maryland and Gettysburg. It was absolutely perfect. Communications prior to the ride were perfect, the route rating was spot on and the ride was beautiful. We loved the...

A very rewarding and enjoyable bike trip (Shenandoah and Skyline Drive). This was the most challenging bicycle vacation I have ever taken and pushed me beyond my usual comfort zone. I enjoyed the challenge and was pleased with myself for rising to it. Weather was...

My wife and I participated in the 9/29/19 Gettysburg & Civil War Bike Trip with a diverse group of riders from novice to very experienced. This was our 2nd trip with Wilderness Voyageurs (Great Alleghany Passage in 2018) and our group melded well together with...

The Gettysburg bike tour was as wonderful as the Maryland Chesapeake Bay tour last year. Wonderful biking, GREAT accommodations, and a great job by the guides Bill and Montana. I had a wonderful time and I will be booking with Wilderness Voyageurs again! Rating: Pretty good...

I rode the Katy Trail ride in mid October. The mornings were quite cool, but the light reflecting off of the dew-covered flora was gorgeous. We lucked out and had absolutely no rain. The trail itself is mostly flat and follows along the Missouri river...

This is the first "active" vacation I have taken (Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Bike Tour). I am usually one who sits on the beach every day with cocktail in hand. However, this was probably one of the funnest vacations I can recall ever taking. Our guides,...

We thoroughly enjoyed the 4 day GAP ride from Homestead PA to Cumberland MD. Our guides Andres and Megan made sure we were properly prepared, had everything we needed, and that we were having a good time. The trail was perfect, the scenery was beautiful....