
This was my first multi day bike trip and it was great! Our accommodations were wonderful and the food was outstanding! Our bike tour guides were very supportive and helpful. My third day was the toughest but my last day was the best!  All in all it was...

Just like to give kudos to Frank and Colleen (bike tour guides) This was a very awesome trip! It took my biking to the next level. Beautiful view of the bike tour. The Bed and Breakfast I stayed at was marvelous! I Will do this again. You guys...

We did the three day bike ride from ohiopyle to Maryland .. our guides Chris and Taylor could not have taken better care of us! Attention to detail, excellent planning, a great trip in every way. We were so fortunate to ride with a great bunch of...

The bike tour exceeded my expectations! The bike tour guides Joe and Richard were excellent. They were very organized, prepared, and seemed to anticipate any problems with advice on how to avoid them. They were generous with all kinds of historic and other information. I felt...

Fall is here, and that means crisp, cool weather, harvest festivals and beautiful drives in the Laurel Highlands! This is the perfect time to explore southwestern Pennsylvania and its natural beauty. Celebrate fall [caption id="attachment_16484" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Ears of corn at Fort Ligonier  Days.[/caption] This season is jammed...

What is your cycling destination of choice?  Pennsylvania, Missouri, Colorado, Georgia?  We have you covered! Most of our bike tours are designed to incorporate historical sites into your vacation.  Don't worry if you are not a history buff, it will not feel like a college class!...

I really enjoyed this bicycle tour--my first ever multi-day group ride! The PA and MD Easy Rider Bike tour was everything that I could have hoped and just about a perfect amount of effort for me to be successful each day, and yet still feel challenged...

We came for the 3-day PA/MD biking trip and thoroughly enjoyed it! Your bike tour guides, Bekah and Montana, looked after us extremely well. We were lucky with the weather as well, arriving right after heavy rain had ended, but which produced fantastic views of the river...

Our recent bike touring trip on the Great Allegheny Passage was an exciting, rewarding, and enjoyable experience. Accommodations and meals were excellent, our bike tour guides were friendly and helpful, and the great allegheny passage bike trail was interesting and stunningly beautiful. Four days of perfect...

This was our first trip with Wilderness Voyageurs, and it will not be our last. Rails to trails is the way to travel...