Bike Tour Trip reviews

I was so delighted with my recent bike trip that covered the GAP trail from Pittsburgh to Maryland. From the moment we arrived Taylor and Raina were very welcoming. Within Minutes Raina knew everyone's name and the group as a whole started to bond. I was...

Just finished the GAP and C&O Canal ride and had a great time. Our guides Montana and Dave were very helpful. They were very friendly and went out of their way to make sure everyone had a the best ride possible. The trail food was...

This bike tour exceeded my expectations. Kevin and James were excellent tour guides, I truly appreciated their extra work and efforts to make the trip enjoyable for all...

After a busy spring and summer, this is just what the doctor ordered! The Finger Lakes tour was fabulous! The scenery was beautiful and the food and accommodations were top notch. I also enjoyed the hike through the gorge in Watkins Glen. The rock formations...

I had a wonderful time with Wilderness Voyagers on the Erie Canal Bike Tour. The lodging was top of the line, and the meals were fantastic! The bike tour guides, Brian and Bekah, were very knowledgeable, friendly, and happy to help us with any requests....

Overall, a great trip up in the Finger Lakes! The scenery was nice - it seemed like around every turn was another spectacular view. Comfortable accommodations each day at the Bed & Breakfasts and Inns. And good food too! Our bike tour guides, Taylor & Lisa, were...

Great weather along the Erie Canal Towpath, which for riding in Western New York state in September was amazing. We didn't run into bad weather the entire tour, which is always a plus. The riding was great, and the terrain was flat. Daily mileage was fun...

My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed this Erie Canal Bike Tour. Our expert guides were friendly and made the trip a joy - from personally making our lunches each day to changing our flat tires and performing other bike repairs and "tunes" as the need arose....

The trip was well planned and the guides were fabulous. Bill and Brian, our expert tour guides, went the extra mile to make sure all 12 of the participants had an enjoyable, safe and relaxing time. We had too much fun on this trip, and...

This was our third adventure with Wilderness Voyagers and, as expected, it turned out to be a totally wonderful experience. Our guides, Bill and Brian, were friendly, well organized, and efficient - they did a great job! Since Brian is a native of the Rochester,...