Author: Wilderness.Voyageurs

Someone has to do it ! Another tough day of work here at the Wilderness Voyageurs Bike tour division!  Our Civil War bike tour is really starting to take off.  This year we have a number of custom bike tours in the central Pennsylvania region, that...

What's Hatchenin on the Yough'? April 14, 2011 Continuing rainfall will keep the Yough high and off color. Releases at the dam will taper off so you may find some success up at Confluence. The remainder of the Youghiogheny will be difficult to fish for opening day. The...

Upper Yough Rafting Season 2011 Upper Yough season is here again and tomorrow is the first scheduled release.  The releases scheduled for April are Fridays 15th , 22nd and 29th.   Monday and Saturday releases start in May so now is the time to book your upper yough trip!! Release...

They're Back!! Weekly releases from Deep Creek Lake that create the fun machine known as the Upper Yough..  First release of the 2011 season is FRIDAY APRIL  15. What is an Upper Yough you ask?  First off, you have to say it right  YOUGH-- actually...

Yeeha!!!!!!  the refrain echoing off of the canyon walls in the Big Sandy this week.  The Ohiopyle area received 1.5 inches of rain in 24 hours, this equals big time fun for us marginally employed raft guide types.  During the early spring we all arrive...

It was an ice-breaker weekend all right! There was no sign of temperate spring weather (until Monday morning of course!). The snow started falling some time Friday night and continued off and on for the next 24 hours....

It’s creeking season now and the full on kayaking season is upon us.  One of the best parts about getting ready for the season is breaking out and going through gear and finding reasons to replace that old gear. A lot of kayaking gear is...

I never thought it would happen. But it just did: Vibram Five Fingers are in-stock. And I really want to dislike them. They're a shoe that simulates not wearing a shoe. Bare-feet are free, these are not. The name doesn't even make sense. I could understand FiveFinger gloves,...