Author: Wilderness.Voyageurs

The little snow puppy who hasn't missed a ski in days. This morning's loop was up Sugarloaf and down Baughman - two trails which never have enough snow to actually ski! What a treat. Lou and Eric ventured a different adventure; dropping off Tharp Knob...

Where are we? Light fluffy snow just keeps coming. We awoke to another 6 or so inches with at least 8 more expected today. It's hard to work, but at least the day was started with a fabulous couple hours of cross country skiing. Starting...

We woke up to nearly a foot of snow in Ohiopyle this morning. It's the first Monday after the holidays and I'm sure all of the local kids are pretty psyched by their unexpected snow day. It's still snowing with another 6 inches in the...

Here is the clip: After a warm welcome from Cathy McCollom, director of the Trail Town Program (and fair-trade coffee from Reilly’s Best in Ohiopyle) Eric Martin ofWilderness Voyageurs in Ohiopyle started things off with a compelling and candid presentation about the challenges and successes his operations...

oh yes - it's almost December! And we can't wait for the snow. The warm temperate days this fall have been nice. Ohiopyle has been busy with bikers, paddlers & hikers enjoying the warmer than average temps. But the snow the morning after thanksgiving was...

As you start to prepare for your upcoming biking vacation, you want to make sure your bike is in tip-top shape. It is important to take your bike to a local shop for regular tune ups if you aren't a mechanic yourself. But, what if...

You’ve just gotten a little taste of whitewater kayaking at the Learn to Kayak weekend in Ohiopyle. Are you interested in the full feast? We are sure you are starting to see that the Youghiogheny River is a great place to learn the ropes. Our...