biking Tag

OUR YEARLY BIKE SALE IS BACK!   A portion of our fleet of professionally maintained bikes is once again up for sale at our 2024 Bike Sale! We've got drop bar gravel bikes, flat bar hybrids, e-bikes, and mountain bikes. Check out some of the models we...

Riding a bike isn’t always smooth, but that can be part of the fun -- if you're prepared! Here's some advice to help you ride on rough surfaces—from cobbles to gravel to potholes—so you can navigate them with ease. Gravel   If you have a gravel or "adventure"...

Recovery drinks for steamy summer rides At the end of a long sweaty summer ride, a frozen blended drink always hits the spot! Try a cool, refreshing recovery drink to help you to recover today and ride strong tomorrow. Why is a recovery drink important? After a long...

Best Restaurants on the Great Allegheny Passage One of the best things about bike touring is eating food. Lots and lots of it, without consequence! The Great Allegheny Passage (a 150-mile continuous rail-trail from Pittsburgh to Cumberland) is one of the best touring routes because it...

Did you know that Wilderness Voyageurs operates inn-to-inn bicycle tours on thirteen famous rail trails that are in the Rails to Trails Conservancy Rail-Trail Hall of Fame?...

Summertime is wonderful because it's hot! But cycling in the heat can put you at risk for heat exhaustion or heat stroke. So follow these tips to keep riding strong all summer! ...

The New York Finger Lakes Bike Tour is one of our favorite trips here at Wilderness Voyageurs. This moderately challenging trip rolls along smooth paved roads, past three of New York's Finger Lakes: Keuka, Seneca and Cayuga. Along the way, you'll visit wineries, hike along...

There are thousands of things out there you could take on a bike ride - multitools, fenders, all sorts of baskets, seat bags that hold a beer growler, leather top tube straps that hold a banana. But you just want to go for a ride!...