Designing Bike tours in Pennsylvania
Someone has to do it !
Another tough day of work here at the Wilderness Voyageurs Bike tour division! Our Civil War bike tour is really starting to take off. This year we have a number of custom bike tours in the central Pennsylvania region, that means we are out driving and biking around the beautiful countryside, looking for bike friendly routes.
Thought I would share some improptu pics from a route we are working on between Gettysburg and Antietam
Great spring day, dogwoods and red bud trees were putting on a show. Found a great route that makes getting over South Mountain almost pleasant. Lots of creeks and cool rock formations to accompany you on this ride. The Monocacy Valley and Washington and Frederick counties in Maryland and Adams County Pennsylvania are really awesome biking destinations. Lots of friendly roads, and there are so many old buildings and barns around every corner. The topography can be challenging but not make a ride feel like work.
Join us for a Pennsylvania bike tour and explore the country’s history while vacationing hassle free, you can’t beat it.
happy trails
The author shall remain nameless, we don’t want everyone to know who has the awesome jobs around here. If you are an avid biker with a flair for discovery and a passion for sharing, think about joining our bike tour guide staff.
Wilderness Voyageurs, 103 Garrett ST, Ohiopyle Pennsylvania, 15470 800-272-4141