Adirondacks bike tour

Our bike tours at Wilderness Voyageurs visit a growing number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Rolling into each of these incredible places on your bike will be an experience you won't soon forget. ...

Our route through New York's Adirondack mountains (and a wee little bit of Vermont's Lake Champlain shoreline), gives an excellent representation of what this region has to offer. Our routes cruise up and down scenic mountain roads, mostly with little traffic. Beyond the breathtaking vistas and...

Lake Placid, New York, is a classic mountain town in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains. From smaller summits to the Olympic venues, Lake Placid is legendary for big views, big scenery, and big history with a charming, small town twist....

I recently completed the Adirondack bike tour with Montana and Colleen! Both guides were incredible!! The tour it self was full of the most beautiful scenery, small towns, hills and much more. Top notch bike assistance as I required a tire change. I can’t wait...

I enjoyed a most memorable bike tour adventure with my friends thanks to Wilderness Voyageurs and their talented crew. We were helped through the whole process made more challenging by the current health situation. Every aspect of the 6 day tour was worry free and smooth...

Taking a ferry ride on a bicycle tour adds a whole new element to your trip! Feel the spray on your face, breathe in the fresh air, see the landscape from a different perspective and enjoy those "free miles." Here's some info on the bike...

Visit these historic covered bridges in rural America on this selection of road bike tours. Explore their importance to American history and the scenery you’ll encounter while on your fantastic bike vacation....