Another great WV tour!

Another great WV tour!

The Mickelson tour was a fabulous week of riding through great scenery with great people. This is actually the second time I’ve done this Mickelson tour, having done it in 2016 on its inaugural run. I enjoyed the experience so much that I wanted to repeat it! Each day’s ride in amazing country brings opportunities to view wildlife of all kinds. To top it off, WV guides go out of their way to make it great for everyone, and they do an exceptional job of working logistics while making it fun and relaxed. Awesome accommodations and great food all along the way ensure you’ll always be ready to ride. The only bad part of this tour is eventually you have to go home! Thank you WV for making tour #4 a great week for me!

Rating: Excellent *****
Candy Herda-Scott
Pinedale, WY