An Awesome Bachelor Party Weekend

An Awesome Bachelor Party Weekend

WV treated my group to a fantastic weekend on the Lower Yough. Even though most of my bachelor party group hadn’t much prior experience on the water, WV made it so everyone felt comfortable the entire time while having loads of fun. The rafting guides even wore thrift store suits on the rafting trip to “be fancy” on a Deluxe Bachelor’s trip. The guides were simply the best, even getting us to surf at Swimmers!!

We also did a small group intro to kayaking clinic which was great. Over almost an entire day, folks who had never been in a kayak were catching eddies and plowing through basic rapids. This class might have even turned a few of them onto whitewater boating…

You can’t go wrong with a WV trip or the people that give it!

Rating: Excellent *****
Aaron M.
McLean, Virginia